Japanese Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos in Madrid

Japanese tattoos, known as irezumi, are not only ornate body decorations, but also carry deep cultural meaning. This insight explores the origins, symbolism and artistic significance of this fascinating tattoo tradition.

Origins of Japanese tattoos: The beginnings Japanese tattoos can be traced back to the Edo period. Originally used as a punitive measure, over time they evolved into a form of personal and artistic self-expression. Irezumi became a symbol of bravery, honour and belonging to certain social groups.

Symbolism Japanese tattoos: The motifs in Japanese tattoos carry a profound symbolism. The dragon, for example, represents wisdom and strength, while the koi fish symbolises perseverance and endurance. Flowers such as cherry blossoms can symbolise transience and beauty. The entire tattoo can tell a personal story, from life stages to spiritual beliefs.

Artistic mastery in the studio: Under the direction of Charleen, the team at has specialised in the artistic mastery of Japanese tattoos. Here, each tattoo is seen as a tribute to tradition, but also as a unique work of art. The combination of traditional motifs with modern techniques enables the team to create timeless and impressive tattoos.

Why Japanese tattoos are engraved: The decision to get a Japanese tattoo engraved can be for a variety of reasons. From honouring one’s own cultural roots to finding a personal identity and expressing philosophies of life. Japanese tattoos often serve as a vivid form of self-expression and tell a profound story about the wearer.

Charleen and his team’s association with Japanese tattoos at Tattoo Studio Madrid creates a space where deep tradition is respected while leaving room for innovative forms of expression. Not only are tattoos engraved here, but vibrant works of art are created that honour the visual language of the Japanese tattoo tradition while leading into the future.

If you live in Madrid or nearby and are looking for a Japanese tattoo, you’ve come to the right place.